Guidelines & Information
Expectations of Virtual Classes
- Have fun and do your best! Give us feedback in the chat, comment on our social media, or say hello.
- Viewing device - If possible stream on a larger screen at eye level.
- You may need to stop and watch the instructor perform a movement before you get into position to do the movement.
- Everyone’s body is different, so spend a few more minutes before class to get your body warmed-up and ready for class.
- Be mindful of impact, jump with caution- gym floors are constructed for impact, so jump with caution on floors in your space.
- Have a clean and spacious exercise area, keep equipment off to the side, use a mat if needed for extra grip under you to avoid slipping.
- Be prompt logging on for class, be respectful of others time; roper warm-up and cool-down to reduces the risk of injury
- It is encouraged not to repeat the same workout everyday, mix it up, and be sure to give yourself a rest day. Do a mixture of cardio, strength, and flexibility each week.
- Dress appropriately for exercise - proper footwear, workout clothes, have a towel on hand.
- Hydrate - drink plenty of water before exercise.
Diabetes, Exercise, and Me
Exercise Recommendations if you are Pre-Diabetic or have Diabetes Mellitus Type 2:
- Check your blood sugar before AND after you exercise.
- Take medications as prescribed.